The soul of a human being is unique. Every human's body is individually ensouled and yet we normally know little about the reasons for its existence, its function or structure due to its immateriality. The Soul is not tangible or measurable and therefore unable to be studied through established methods of science.
If you want to learn more about the Soul, one's own as well as those of other's, new paths must be followed and new methods must be found.
Anything new is often the cause for scepticism and doubt. This is O.K, nothing is correct just because it's new. It would be wrong however, to refuse something untested, simply because it is unusual or does not fit into an existing world view. Development is only possible, if one is open to take on new ideas and prepared to question established ones.
The content of this web site is based on findings that are not provable, but probably are able to be personally verified. The focus is on the Michael Teachings , transmitted to us by Channels, who continue doing so. The Soul, with all the existential questions, witch mankind was emotionally or intellectually agitated by, since sentience came upon them, is the subject here. But it's also reaching beyond. Based on the understanding of the soul you get an understanding of “All there is”, even though the whole truth remains beyond our comprehension.
knows the whole truth, there is no absolute truth. Truth is subject to the change of time and everyone has his own truths. I have tried to set out here the things I have encountered on the path to truth.
Perhaps the here given answers to many questions, may be helpful for you, for your self-understanding and for “Being a Human Being” in general.
Life on earth is a game, of which very few know the rules, nevertheless everyone is joining in. Who knows the rules, has more joy in playing the game.
This is the value that every reader of this website can obtain for himself.
... for my English speaking visitors:
You are very welcome!
I'm working on an English version, see ongoing additions in the left column.
In the meantime please use Google Translator for the still missing pages.
Enjoy your visit here!